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Biology | Freshwater Fish Aquarium
Adolfo's catfish
Afra cichlid, dogtooth cichild
African butterfly cichlid
Agassiz's dwarf cichlid
Allauad's haplo
Altum angelfish
Apistogramma eremnopyge
Arulius barb
Asian redtail catfish
Astatotilapia aenocolor
Astatotilapia elegans
Astatotilapia nubila
Astatotilapia piceatus
Astatotilapia schubotziellus
Astatotilapia sp. "Red Tail"
Astatotilapia sp. "Spot Bar"
Auratus cichlid, Malawi golden cichlid
Australian rainbowfish
Australian shark catfish
Bala shark
Banded corydoras
Banjo catfish
Barredtail corydoras
Beckford pencilfish
Bengal danio, Sind danio
Bengal loach
Benthochromis tricoti
Berney's shark catfish
Bigspot barb, Duncker's barb
Black-winged hatchetfish
Black ghost knifefish
Blackline rasbora, red-tailed rasbora
Black molly
Black neon tetra
Black phantom tetra
Black ruby barb
Blackstripe corydoras
Black tetra
Blacktop corydoras
Bleeding heart tetra
Bloodfin tetra
Blood parrot cichlid
Blue acara
Blue botia
Blue corydoras
Blue discus, green discus
Blue dolphin cichlid, lumphead cichlid
Bluefin Notho, Rachow's Notho, Rainbow Notho
Blue johanni cichlid, Maingano
Blue Lyretail
Blue ram, German ram
Bluespotted corydoras
Blue tetra
Boeseman's rainbowfish
Bolivian ram
Boulengerochromis microlepsis
Bristlenose pleco, bushynose placo
Britski's catfish
Bronze corydoras
Brown-point shield skin longirostris
Brown ghost knifefish
Bucktooth tetra
Buenos Aires tetra
Bumblebee cichlid, hornet cichlid
Burmese border loach
Cambodian log sucker, false Siamese algae eater
Cardinal tetra
Cave tetra, blind tetra
Chalinochromis spp.
Chao Phraya giant shark, Giant pangasius
Checker barb
Checkerboard Cichlid
Cherry barb
Chinese algae eater
Chinese high fin banded shark
Chinese hillstream loach
Chipokee cichlid
Chocolate cichlid
Chocolate gourami
Clipper barb
Clown barb
Clown knifefish
Clown loach
Cobalt blue cichlid, cobalt zebra cichlid
Cockatoo dwarf cichlid
Colombian shark catfish
Common dace
Common discus, red discus
Common hatchetfish
Common pleco, suckermouth catfish
Common pleco, suckermouth catfish, Amazon sailfin catfish
Common syno, false upside down catfish
Congo pufferfish
Congo tetra, Lufundi (native name)
Convict cichlid
Corydoras nain
Croaking gourami
Crystal eyed catfish
Cuckoo squeaker
Cyathopharynx furcifer
Dalmatian molly
Deckers Panzerwels
Decorated squeaker
Disk tetra
Dojo loach, weather loach
Duboulayi's rainbowfish
Dwarf corydoras
Dwarf flag cichlid
Dwarf gourami
Dwarf loach
Dwarf Mbuna
Dwarf pufferfish
Eartheater cichlid
Eastern rainbowfish
Ectodus descampsii
Electric eel
Electric yellow cichlid
Elegant corydoras
Emerald catfish
Emperor tetra
Endler's livebearer
Espei rasbora
Eureka red peacock
Even-Spotted squeaker
False network catfish
False spotted catfish
Featherfin squeaker
Figure 8 pufferfish
Fire eel
Firemouth cichlid
Firewood catfish, (Planiceps shovelnose catfish)
Flowerhorn cichlid
Flying fox (fish)
Frontosa cichild
Fuelleborn's cichlid, Blue mbuna
Garnet tetra, pretty tetra
Gewellter Panzerwels
Giant danio
Giant freshwater pufferfish
Giant gourami
Glass catfish
Glowlight tetra
Gold barb
Golden barb
Golden dwarf sucker, golden oto
Golden pristella tetra
Gold nugget pleco
Goldspot ancistrus albino
Gray bichir, Senegal bichir, or dinosaur bichir
Green gold catfish
Green neon tetra
Green spotted puffer
Greenstreaked Eartheater,cupid cichlid
Greenstripe barb
Green swordtail
Green terror
Guapore corydoras
Guenther's Mouthbrooder
Harlequin rasbora
Head and tail light tetra
Hellgrüner Panzerwels
Hengeli rasbora
Herring cichlid, Sardine cichlid
Hippo Point Salmon
Hognosed brochis
Hongi, Red-top kimpumpa
Horabagrus brachysoma
Horseface loach
Iridescent shark
Jack Dempsey cichlid
Jaguar cichlid, managuense cichlid
Jewel cichlid, two-spotted jewel cichlid
Johanni cichlid
Julie cichlid
Julii corydoras
Kenyi cichlid
Keyhole cichlid
Kissing gourami
Koi, common carp
Kribensis, krib
Kuhli loach, coolie loach
Labidochromis sp. "Mbamba Bay"
Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish
Lake Malawi syno
Lake Wanam rainbowfish
Lamprologus ocellatus
Leiarius marmoratus
Leiarius pictus
Lemon cichlid
Lemon tetra
Leopard sailfin pleco, clown sailfin pleco
Lesser spiny eel
Lifalili jewel cichlid, blood-red jewel cichlid
Lima shovelnose catfish
Livingston's cichlid
Lobochilotes labiatus
Longnose loach
Lyretail cichlid, fairy cichlid
Malabar danio
Malawi barracuda
Malawi eyebiter
Marbled hatchetfish
Marbled Headstander
Masked corydoras, bandit corydoras
Masked Julie
Mayan cichlid
Melon barb
Midas cichild, red devil cichlid
Moonlight gourami
Mosaic corydoras, reticulated corydoras
Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Neolamprologus similis
Neon rainbowfish
Neon tetra
New Guinea rainbowfish
Odessa barb
Onespot barb
Orange chromide
Ornate bichir
Ornate Pimelodus
Pale usisya aulonocara
Panda corydoras
Panda dwarf cichlid
Paradise fish
Partipentazona barb
Pastaza corydoras
Peacock bass, butterfly peacock bass
Pearl danio
Pearl gourami
Pearl of Likoma
Penguin tetra, blackline penguinfish
Pentazona barb, fiveband barb
Peppered corydoras
Petrochromis sp. "Zaire Texas"
Petrochromis trewavasae
Pineapple pleco, orange cheek pleco
Pink corydoras
Polka dot syno
Pool barb
Poor man's tropheus
Pygmy corydoras
Pygmy gourami, Sparkling gourami
Queen danio
Red-finned shark
Red-striped rasbora
Red-tailed black shark
Red bellied pacu
Red devil cichlid
Red empress cichlid
Red Eye tetra
Red fin hap
Red line torpedo barb, Denison's barb
Red phantom tetra
Redtail catfish
Red zebra cichlid
Rosy barb
Rosy red minnow, fathead minnow
Rummy-nose tetra
Rusty cichlid, lavender cichild
Sailfin catfish
Sailfin corydoras
Sailfin molly
Salmon-red rainbowfish
Salt and pepper catfish
Schlichter Schwarzrücken-Panzerwels
Schmerlenpanzerwels (loach catfish)
Schwartz's catfish
Scleromystax prionotos
Serpae tetra
Shortfin barb
Siamese algae eater
Siamese fighting fish
Silver dollar
Silver hatchetfish
Simochromis pleurospilus
Sixray corydoras, false corydoras
Skunk loach
Snakeskin gourami
Southern platy
Southern redbelly dace
Spanner barb, t-barb
Spotfinned spiny eel
Spotted angelfish
Spotted barb, common barb
Spotted corydoras, longnose corydoras
Spotted danio
Spotted Gar
Spotted pimelodus, pictus, Pictus catfish
Spotted Raphael
Spottedsail barb, dwarf barb
Steatocranus spp.
Sterba's corydoras
Striped panchax, Golden Wonder
Striped Raphael
Sunshine peacock cichlid
Swamp barb
Sychr's catfish
T-bar cichlid
Tailspot corydoras
Tami River rainbowfish
Texas cichlid, Rio Grande cichlid
Thread-finned acara
Threadfin rainbowfish
Three-lined pencilfish
Three-Stripe Dwarf Cichlid
Three spot gourami
Threestripe corydoras, leopard catfish
Tic-tac-toe barb
Ticto barb
Tiger barb, sumatra barb
Tiger shovelnose catfish
Tinfoil barb
Tire track eel
Tropheus duboisi
Tropheus moorii
Tropheus polli
Turquoise danio
Twig catfish
Two-Stripe Dwarf Cichlid
Two spot glass catfish
Tyrannochromis macrostoma
Uaru, waroo
Upside-down catfish
Variabilichromis moorii
Variable platy
Venustus cichlid, giraffe cichild
Volcano rasbora
Walking catfish
Whiptail catfish
White Cloud Mountain minnow
Wolf cichlid
Xingu corydoras
Xystichromis phytophagus
Yellow-tail acei
Yellow dwarf cichlid
Yellow phantom tetra
Yoyo loach
Zebra acara
Zebra danio
Zebra dwarf sucker, zebra oto
Zebra loach
Zebra obliquidens
Zebra pleco, L-046
Zebra tilapia